
Recent Recipes

Look What I Made: Pumpkin Spice Scones with Ginger Molasses Drizzle


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Last week, some of my coworkers had a dessert and wine potluck. I had metric tons of pumpkin lying around, so I decided to dig out my old pumpkin spice scone recipe. Trouble was, I had misplaced my old recipe notebook from college.

Luckily, some mad Google skills reunited me with the site I had taken the recipe from in the first place. I hadn't even remembered it was Pinch My Salt, which is a thoroughly delightful blog that everyone should check out.

Anyway. The day was saved, the scones were made, and one of my coworkers described them as "like taking a bite out of fall."

My only recipe issues were with the Ginger Molasses icing. It's obviously from Pinch My Salt's pictures that the icing should have a frosting-like consistency.

It is obvious from my picture that I never got there.

Light icing is obviously one of my cooking weaknesses. I never mastered the cinnamon glaze, either.


I've seen recipes for pumpkin scones before, but I think your ginger molasses drizzle would take any pumpkin scone over the top. It sounds delicious.

ZOMG NOM NOM NOM. I have got to make these soon - they look amazing!

You may not have mastered glaze or icing, but you rocked Grandma Pat's powdered sugar frosting! Remember that time we made the full recipe and had frosting for weeks!

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